Twelve years ago, when we left the hospital with our first little bundle of joy, I remember telling my husband, "Are they crazy?! They are just going to let us walk out of here with him as if we know what to do from here?" Never were truer words spoken. I don't know why it is but I can never seem to get comfortable with the feeling as a mom of trying to keep up with these three moving targets. I want to stay a step ahead, doing ALL I can do to do this job well. But, oh my gravy, the angst and wonder of raising these children whose needs and stages are constantly changing.
At some point about a year or so ago, I was particularly considering how I was imparting God's Word to my darlings. I felt burdened that I needed to step up my game. As usual, I turned this over and over in my mind. Then--DUH--how about I pray about that?! You'd think that after 12 years of this, I'd remember to FIRST go to the God who is the Owner's Manual on these kids. After a few days, an idea struck me that I knew was from the Lord. So, during my daily time with the Lord, I grabbed index cards, and started writing a card for each child. I try to write out a verse that seems appropriate to particular struggles or issues related to each child. On the back of the card, I write a little note to the child, adding my own words to the verse. Then, I go put the card on each child's pillow, to be discovered at bedtime.
When I first started this, there was not much reaction or feedback from the kids. But, I kept doing it--because it felt good to be writing a specific Word for them for that day. Then, after about a week or so, I found an index card on my bathroom vanity from my oldest. Here's a snippet of what he wrote:
At some point about a year or so ago, I was particularly considering how I was imparting God's Word to my darlings. I felt burdened that I needed to step up my game. As usual, I turned this over and over in my mind. Then--DUH--how about I pray about that?! You'd think that after 12 years of this, I'd remember to FIRST go to the God who is the Owner's Manual on these kids. After a few days, an idea struck me that I knew was from the Lord. So, during my daily time with the Lord, I grabbed index cards, and started writing a card for each child. I try to write out a verse that seems appropriate to particular struggles or issues related to each child. On the back of the card, I write a little note to the child, adding my own words to the verse. Then, I go put the card on each child's pillow, to be discovered at bedtime.
When I first started this, there was not much reaction or feedback from the kids. But, I kept doing it--because it felt good to be writing a specific Word for them for that day. Then, after about a week or so, I found an index card on my bathroom vanity from my oldest. Here's a snippet of what he wrote:
"Thank you for writing me verses every day. I am touched
that you take time to do that every day. THANK YOU."
that you take time to do that every day. THANK YOU."
WOW! You would think with that kind of feedback, I would be so careful to KEEP UP THIS HABIT. But, nope. The truth is that I get sloppy. I get distracted. And, these last few months have brought many distractions. I wish that my kids realized that I was inconsistent with my time with the Lord based soley on whether there was a card on their pillow. But, the brutal truth is that my kids can tell by my attitude. Sigh. In the midst of these last few weeks when I have really had to limit myself physically, I KNEW I had to get back to it! So, I started back to my index card writing days. I love that each child has a special little place on their dresser where they stack their cards. I love the smile on their face when they read their card--or the occasional hug they give me afterward. And, I love applying God's Word for them to the exact thing they are facing THAT day.
INTENTIONAL challenge: One of my favorite parenting verses is Deuteronomy 6:6-9:
INTENTIONAL challenge: One of my favorite parenting verses is Deuteronomy 6:6-9:
6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road, when you lie down
and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands
and bind them on your foreheads.
9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road, when you lie down
and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands
and bind them on your foreheads.
9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
In a world bombarding our kids with messages contrary to our faith, we have GOT to be intentional to impart God's truth in as many ways as possible. We need to be training our kids that God's Word is their plumb line, their life line, their life guide, and God's love letter, relevant to every situation they face. Oh, please don't misread me--I have miles to go! But, it feels great to have found one more way to point my kids to God's Word--one little index card at a time. What daily habit might you adopt to plant God's Word into the soil of your children's hearts?