Slamming on the Brakes
11:55 AMHeatherI think we've pretty well established here that my daily routine came to a screeching halt a few weeks ago, and it's been an interesting season of rest. Not like the "season of rest" in 2007 when I quit my business and slowed down my life. No, more like literally--a season of rest. Hours sitting back in the recliner or lying in bed. Having the children pick up something I drop or my sweet husband take over those things I can't manage yet. Carefully plotting just how much I can do in one day, and learning the hard way when too much is too much. Like, say, for instance, this past weekend. Being my birthday AND Easter, coupled with feeling a marked improvement in my neck, and I enjoyed it! But, come Monday morning--the old body was reminding me of this season of rest.
While I may not have specific answers on this situation, I know the One who does. And, the one thing I know FOR SURE is that He wants me to press in to Him. Over and over again, I feel Him challenging me to just press in to Him. This morning I was pondering this and my mind went to Psalm 46:10--Be still and know that I am God.
Yep, being still. Literally. Check, Been doing that. And, I am pretty well grasping that He is God and He is in control--and I am not. But this morning, a new meaning of this passage grabbed me. You see, I think the truth is that we cannot really grasp His Lordship and Sovereignty until we have slowed down. How can we surrender and submit to Him if we are running and gunning? When we are busy, busy, busy then our minds are too scattered to really KNOW Him.
Jesus went away to a quiet place to spend time with his Father. This is how he connected to that life line that saw him through earthly ministry. Slowing down is NOT an option. If we want to really KNOW our God, and SEE His all powerful hand in our lives, then we HAVE to be still. It's not an option. Just this morning in my prayer journal, I wrote this sentence: If all I accomplish in a day is resting, reading His Word, and praying, then my day has eternal purpose.
I think this idea is still taking root in me. I think I am still unraveling what my focus needs to be. I am sure that all that God is teaching me right now will take months or years to fully grasp and see, but one thing I know for sure. He wants me to REALLY meditate on meditating. He wants me to practice being still. I can stop there and feel really frustrated. Or I can focus on the next part of it. He wants me to be still so that He can reveal Himself to me as God. He wants me to KNOW Him. What a privilege! For real? The Lord of all Creation wants me to become ever more intimate in my relationship with Him. So much so that He has divinely intervened in my life to cause me to clear out distractions and busyness.
INTENTIONAL challenge: Being still is not something our culture does well. We don't like to wait for anything. We are constantly distracted with our smart phones, day planners, task lists, lap tops, televisions, and demands. But, what does our God require of us? What is the best way to spend our time? Being still. When we shut everything else out, we can KNOW Him as our God--the one we must depend on. What will it take for you to consistently make it a habit to be still?