Oh my, Soul, Listen Up
9:42 AMHeatherHey Soul,
Listen. It's easy to fall into a place of despair, anxiety, and weariness. It's easy to see the circumstances or watch the news and feel the struggles. They like to dictate and bully you. It's easy to cower under the darkness of today and all that it demands from you. It's easy to surrender to depression because life is difficult.
But, I've gotta tell you some things. I need to preach the truest things to you so you can tell your feelings who's boss.
So, listen up.
This is how it ends. I've read the last chapter. It's really good news! So let me remind you of that now.
There will be no more hunger or thirst. No want. No longing. No lack.
Just satisfaction. Only fulfillment.
There will be no fiery trials or feeling the heat or discomfort or pain. No sickness. No illness.
And no wandering aimlessly. No questioning or wondering. Only being cared for and directed and guided by the Lamb of God himself.
King Jesus himself will lead you to springs of living water that will fulfill you completely. And you will never thirst again.
There will be no more sadness. No death. No ending. No fear. No anxiety. No worry. All that is wrong will be made right. ALL. Every last thing. All that is messed up and troublesome and bothersome and awful will be made right. All brokenness will be made whole. All that has been torn and ripped apart will be made new.
The Almighty God himself will wipe every tear from your eyes. The hands that formed the universe. The palms where your name is engraved. They will gently wipe every tear from your face with a love so unfathomable that you will fall face down in complete adoration.
You will see clearly then. What is dim and foggy and hard to understand now will be made obvious.
The backside of the tapestry, full of knots and lacking beauty here on this side of heaven, will be flipped to reveal the eternal picture that was woven with the threads of your life by the Lord God himself.
That which seems hard and weighty and burdensome will pale in comparison to the weight of God's glory fully revealed.
Then, you will see that the unseen was actually the most real. The unknown and yet-to-come in life everlasting is actually the ultimate reality, and the stuff of earth will fade into the glory of heaven. You will be so awestruck by the revelations and you will feel honored to have been counted worthy to share in the sufferings of your Savior. You would gladly endure them and then some.
You will suddenly see all that you did on earth in new light. You will wish that you had used every breath, every gift, every moment for the purpose of the eternal. You will watch the wood, hay, and stubble of the temporary burn up. You will be thankful for the gold, silver, and precious stones of the eternal where you chose to invest.
You will see that every person you loved well, every act of kindness and grace, every forgiveness granted, every word and every action that you chose for the kingdom were worth the eternal investment. Every moment of struggle to choose faith. Every time you chose to look to God and believe him was the absolute right choice. Every time you did not understand but told yourself to trust the One who does... every time that happened, you were right.
Oh, Soul. Believe these things. Believe them because they are true. They are the truth of the Word, from Genesis to Revelation. You cannot see it or imagine it or feel it, but choose it. Choose to believe, Soul, that every word of the Word is the absolute truth.
And in your hardest moment, when the weight of the world is upon your shoulders, picture this scene. Picture the wedding supper of the Lamb. Picture your Savior, looking you in the face, and extending his invitation to join in the feast.
You will fall face down in absolute worship, with no regrets for every time you chose the invisible in the midst of what was visible.
For you will dwell with God and you will be his people and God himself will be with you. That's how this ends.
Just when you think you can't take any more, Soul. Remember this.
There is a day that is coming. And on that day, there will be no more. No more of anything that is hard and difficult today. It will disappear. And the invisible kingdom you chase today will become the realest thing there is.
Amen and amen.