For the Worn Out, Burned Out, Stressed Out

9:28 AMHeather

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30

The unforced rhythms of grace are not a life that's carefree, stress free, and full of sunshine and rainbows as you float along. It's turning to God in the chaos--with every burden and concern. And handing them over. As many times as you need to do so. 

It's walking confidently in your position as a dearly loved child. Trusting in his Father's heart. It's reminding yourself -- your soul and your mind -- who he is and the truest things about him. It's shouting them louder than the voices of defeat and deceit and despair.

Living on the unforced rhythms of grace is not a constant slow pace or serendipity. It's stilling your heart and quieting your mind, in the stressful, hard moments to remember your position. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening again -- reminding yourself again -- of his teachings. Calling to mind the words of Truth and covering the hard moments with them. It's singing out praises and worship to find calm in the storms. It's turning down the volume of the world to listen more carefully for the songs being sung over you.

Unforced rhythms of grace are not one long Sabbath rest, vacation, or series of afternoon naps. No, these rhythms are working heartily for the Lord rather than men in all that you do. It's tackling the demands of the day from a posture of surrender to the One who made you. It's running your race hard and running after him with intentional moments to sit and pray and listen and read and be still. Then, getting on with the day, training your mind to be ever aware of the Father, who acts as the mama bird, covering her babies with her wings of protection. 

In moments of loneliness, it's telling your soul that you are never alone and never forsaken.

In moments of anxiety, it's reminding yourself of all the ways that God has shown up before.

In moments of discouragement, it's telling your soul that the One you serve created the world with a word, raised the dead to life, and conquered giants with a tiny stone and a shepherd boy.

In all the moments, living on the unforced rhythms of grace is being keenly aware of your wretched state and your great need of a Savior. 

It's being informed of his great love, his faithful care, his Father's heart and his matchless grace.

Here's the miracle of his grace. The truest thing about it. His grace tells us that we are not swimming in a pool, with walls and limits. It's not finite like that. His grace instead declares that we are floating in its ocean with no end. 

Because we are never enough. And the "I Am" is more than enough. For any trial. For any need. For every pit. For any trouble. In every struggle.

Living on the unforced rhythms of grace is being ever mindful of all these truths.

Even when our mind, heart and circumstances tell us otherwise. 

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