The Dark Side of Christmas
11:35 AMHeatherHave a holly jolly Christmas. At least, that is the expectation. Season of merriment and joy and fun and laughter. Yet statistics show that Christmas time is the most likely time of year for people to experience depression. Additionally, the suicide rate in December is higher than any other month of the year. While it may seem contradictory to some that people should hit rock bottom during such a time of celebration, I think many of us can understand this statistic. Because maybe we have fallen into that number of depressed and struggling, triggered by the holidays.
The holidays are full of pressure and stress. The idea of creating a sense of wonder and making Christmas card worthy memories. Intensified with the onslaught of social media, where we can see what others are up to in real time. And in real time, we can compare what we are doing with what others are doing. It's supposed to be a magical time of the year, right? So why do so many of us feel as though we aren't invited to the holiday theme park?
For so many of us, this "special" time of year is an annual reminder of who is NOT sitting at our table. It's the stab of pain of past holidays and the fact that we are missing someone who was so significant in our lives. For some of my dearest friends, this is the first Christmas without a father or nephew or husband. Or, it's the time of year when their relative passed away. And the depths of our grief is emphasized by the joy of those around us.
What's so merry about Christmas?
That may be where you are today. Maybe you had visions of Christmas celebrations with a significant other, yet you find yourself single for another holiday. Maybe you can hardly bear to consider getting through the holidays without the person with whom you made all your previous Christmas memories. Or maybe you are in a season of waiting and you thought that surely by Christmas time, your prayers would be answered. Your adopted child would be home. Your job search would end. Your infertility would be over. You'd be reunited with an estranged loved one.
Today, I want us to dwell on the familiar words of the Christmas carol Away in the Manger. I think that we have some encouragement to glean from this perhaps all too familiar song. So, I ask that you take a moment and pray for insight and perspective as you read through the lyrics.
The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay,
The little lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky.
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.
That Christ was born, was born on Christmas day,
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me for ever and love me, I pray.
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.
Sweet bells they ring they ring out the news
That Christ was born, was born on Christmas Day,
That Christ was born, was born on Christmas day.