Call me a Fool! Please!

11:35 AMHeather

Oh, David.  You have so much to teach me!  I mean, the Biblical David.  Not some David I know.  Although I'm sure I could glean wisdom from the David's I know.  But, David--the shepherd boy turned king.  So human and normal.  And someone who messed up.  Big time.  Which is what I was reading about today.  Misery loves company--because I almost reveled in remembering how imperfect David was.

In case you missed it, you can read a pretty juicy tale in 2 Samuel 11 and 12.  It rivals prime time television, for sure.  A king who chose to sit in his comfortable palace instead of going off to war like kings were supposed to do in the spring, according to 2 Samuel 11:1. He delegated the task, in other words, that was clearly his to tackle.  I can relate to that.  I'd much rather sit around and be served and sleep in my own bed and be comfortable than out in some battlefield.  Duh.  

But, I think the point here is that David was not where he was supposed to be. And that, my bloggy friends, is the first stepping stone in any slippery slope.  I'm telling you--anytime we knowingly choose to be somewhere where we aren't supposed to be--we make ourselves vulnerable.  Just a little side note bonus tip for you today.  It pays boatloads in avoiding temptations and potential heartache when we simply go where we are supposed to be. And avoid anywhere else.

So, for David, one thing led to another--as it often does when we get tangled up in a sinful mess.  We never intend to end up where we do.  But, before he knew it, David had slept with a married lady.  Gotten her pregnant.  Tried to cover it up by having her soldier husband come home from the war to be with her.  But he refused. To be blunt, he was more a man of honor in this story than the anointed king David.  So, what's a king to do?  Well, he plotted to have the husband killed in battle.  Intentionally.  He basically hired a hit man in the form of the enemy army at the battlefront.  

Adultery.  Murderous plotting.  Lying.  Cover up.  Followed by taking this new widow as his very own wife.  Sounds like a perfect crime.  Now he and his new Mrs. can enjoy that new baby on its way and act like nothing ever happened.

Except that it did.  And people knew.  A palace full of servants, among them.  And we see the brave and courageous Nathan step up to the plate to call out the king in 2 Samuel 12:1-14.  Whoa.  This guy must have had a death wish.  Because look at the facts.  He knew the fate of Uriah--the husband.  He knew that the innocent man was essentially killed by David to cover this whole mess up. 

So, what made Nathan take the chance?  As an adviser to David, did he have a confidence in David's heart for God?  Did he believe that David would ultimately right his wrong?  Or, was he just that bold for God, that no matter the consequences, he stuck his neck out for the sake of speaking truth and demanding justice?  

Oh, Nathan.  I want to know more about you!  I admire this man that some might call foolish for taking the chance.  As Jennie Allen points out in my Bible study today, when she pointed us to 1 Corinthians 1:27:

But God chose what is foolish in the world to
shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world
to shame the strong. 

God loves the fool.  In fact, he uses them mightily.  Because it shows off His greatness.  The Nathans who dare to speak boldly for justice--even if it costs them their life.  The men like Pastor Saeed, who is currently imprisoned in a notorious Iranian jail because he dared to travel to Iran to try to build an orphanage. Demanding justice for the fatherless.  Like Abraham, who was willing to leave his good life to follow God.  Who took on the challenge of surrendering his only son Isaac, if that is what God wanted.  Like Moses, who was himself a murderer.  A wanderer.  A fallen prince who ended up tending to someone else's sheep.  And who led the promised people from captivity to freedom.  Like Joshua.  Who dared to believe God would bring victory simply by leading his people in a walk around a city wall.  Like Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego.  Who foolishly refused to bow to a man even at the threat of death.  Boldly proclaiming--

"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.
Daniel 3:17-18 

What extraordinary faith for men to proclaim at the threat of death that God can deliver them.  But EVEN if He doesn't, they will still worship.  Foolish!  To stand so firm in your worship of God alone that you would go beyond risking ridicule.  You'd risk even death.

Foolish that the son of God would be born in a dirty stable to a teenage girl.  Foolish that Jesus would create his inner circle of friends from lowly fishermen and tax collectors.  Foolish that He would knowingly surrender himself to a painful death in order to save the likes of us.

Foolish, I tell you!  

But, listen, what a treasure.  To be called a fool.  To turn the world on its ear and desire to be called a fool for the sake of standing for God.  To not only be okay with being seen as different, but to embrace and welcome it!  

Here's what I wrote on my kids' Scripture cards with the 1 Corinthians 1:27 verse written on the other side:  "Our Christian faith seems foolish to the world.  We SHOULD make no sense to those around us."    

Which begs the question.  Am I foolish enough? Do I strive to become the least rather than the greatest?  Do I set my agenda aside for the sake of God's agenda?  Do I serve the broken, the poor, the marginalized enough?  Do I consider people more valuable than possessions?  Eternal reward more precious than wordly goods?  God's pleasure over man's approval?

Oh, that I might become a fool.  That I may be as foolish as Nathan, and dare to approach even the most revered man if that is what God calls me to do.  That I would make it my heartbeat to be considered foolish by the things I do and the words I say.  That I would make no sense in the world around me.  Because I dared to be called a fool.

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