Impacting Orphans: Do MORE with Mondays with One Together, Inc.
8:42 AMHeatherBloggy friends, I could NOT be more thrilled for today's blog post. I am stoked about the opportunity to introduce you to an amazing organization, doing incredible work to impact orphans and needy children around the globe.
I know, I know. There's like a jillion organizations out there and you aren't sure where to plug in to help. THIS is an organization where you start. THIS is an organization where your every dollar makes a difference. And let me tell you WHY I believe in this one so very much.
Because I know the founder, Cynthia Hoch. I know her heart. I know her history. I know her abilities (well, at least I have a glimpse into her super powers). I know her passion. And I know that when it comes to the real deal, she is it. In fact, she recently held the first annual fundraising dinner for One Together, Inc. At her home. Making centerpieces from things around her house. Creating a beautiful event with as little money as possible so that EVERY DOLLAR possible can go to the children.
Just a few years ago (and 8 children between us)...Cyndi and I were co-workers at an adoption agency. She was a birth parent caseworker, and I was an adoptive parent caseworker. Which meant we worked many cases together, navigating a way to meet the needs of all the parties in adoption. Back in those childless days for both of us, Cyndi's commitment to the good of her client and the needs of children was evident. Fast forward, and here's where Cyndi's life turned even deeper into adoption.
Because the Christmas cards I received from Cyndi suddenly included two darling boys. Twins from Central America. Then, a daughter from Central America. Next, a daughter from Ethiopia. And, surprise, surprise. Her full house of four children adopted internationally was rounded out with a little blonde biological son. And let me tell you--this is a family full of love and devotion. Eyes wide open to the plight of children around the world.
In Cyndi's own words: "When we decided our family was complete, I felt I still had work to do. My passion has always been to help children. As a young girl I knew my purpose was to make a difference in the world. So it is my vision to help the children in the world who need us. My life is dedicated to my family and making a difference in the lives of all children around the world. Together we can provide them with their basic human rights including food, education, medical supplies and caretakers."
Y'all need to check out the website for yourselves here. Cyndi recently went on a trip to Ethiopia to continue her work on the ground. Work at The Mercy Feeding Center. Work to take school supplies to children who just want an education. Work to meet the children in need and evaluate and assess those needs so that action plans can be taken. Work that included this experience:
smell of waste is overwhelming at times and I can only imagine you get
used to it as you live here. I smell wood burning, and see small round
piles of black charcoal drying in the sun. This charcoal is recycled
from the evening before, laid to dry and sold for reuse. And it
works just as good as the first time. Very inventive. I get to
my destination. The mother of the house comes outside to greet us, she
is very ill, yet I shake her hand. It is the proper thing to do, she is
welcoming me into her home and allowing me to see how she lives. This
home is owned and built by the government. She and her family of 6 rent
it for 6 bir (2 1/2 cents) a month. You will see why as you look at the
pictures I have posted. There is not any plumbing, no place to go to
the bathroom. There is a lightbulb in the ceiling however. The house
is made of mud and the door is corrugated metal. There is one room only
covered with a soft rug (which covers the dirt floor). The family
sleeps here. There is no money for the 4 children to eat. I leave the
woman with a little money against the suggestion of my guides. I cannot
help myself, she needs medical attention. It is the very least I can
leave the home as little children follow me, I wave to them and say
good bye, they giggle. They are content. I am changed."
Guys--if you've ever felt a tug on your heart and been in awe of someone who just jumped in to create something from nothing in order to make a difference--this is one of those organizations. And YOU can make a big difference too by simply putting a bit of your resources behind the work of One Together, Inc.
Still not convinced? I beg you. DO NOT miss watching this three minute video. It pretty well sums it up. (and Cyndi's young son made the video, by the way. See? This whole family is all about making a difference).
THIS is how simple it is. THIS is what I'm asking you to join me in doing this week. Choose from one of the options below and send your donation to the address underneath.
1. Take your children's school lunch money for the week and send it to One Together, Inc. instead. Pack lunches with your children, after you show them the video. Help them see the difference one week's worth of lunch money makes. Because $2.50 a day feeds, educates, and medicates a child.
2. Look at your last water bill. Take that amount and match it to send to One Together, Inc. Because only 12% of children in Ethiopia have access to safe water.
3. Skip one meal out as a family this week. That $40-$50 can make a huge difference to the efforts of One Together, Inc.
4. We are in full swing of signing up for summer camps for my kids. I dare ya to take half of what you'd spend on ONE summer activity for ONE of your children and mail it to One Together, Inc. instead.
5. Likewise, it's time to pre-purchase next year's school supplies through the PTA for my kids. How about we take that SAME amount and match it in a donation form to One Together, Inc. so that a child in need can get school supplies and an education?
One Together, Inc.
1320 Bridgepointe Dr
Collierville TN 38017
I'm so serious here. I quadruple dog dare ya to join me in supporting the efforts of this organization. It's so super simple. You don't even have to travel half-way around the world. (Unless you want to join One Together in one of their biannual trips to Ethiopia). I know I may not have the largest audience. But, if just half of the tens of people who read my blog daily donated to the cause, you'd make a difference. As the One Together video says, "Be their answer, Touch a few hearts in this life...Believe in your mark."