Hope for Those in Life's Waiting Rooms

8:22 AMHeather

I'm in a season of waiting.  For several things that have been a long spoken prayer.  And still I wait.  For answers and movement. I want to leave this waiting room, get out of the hallway, and enter the doors that I pray will open.  This is for all of you there with me.  Be encouraged.

Dear Child,

I am the God who hears.   Every word spoken.  Every heartfelt plea.  Every thought.  Every desire not put into words.  Yes, I am the God who hears.  I know waiting is hard work.  The hallway is exhausting when you just want an open door.  I know.  I am the God who understands.  I know you are but dust.  I know your limits even better than you do.  Is that not why I sent my Son for you?  To cover your failures, override your limitations?

Hear Me now.  I hear your pleas!  I've got this.  I have a perfect plan--for your good and not harm.  To give you a future and a hope.  I have ordained the times set for you.  I know the days--every day--of your life.  They were written in My book before one of them came to be.  Because I am not bound by time.  Your future?  I'm already there.  Before the foundations of the earth, you were on My mind.  I sit on My throne.  I have eternity in My hand.  I am in control.

I am the God who took Joseph from a jail cell to a position of honor after a 13 year wait.  I am the God who fulfilled My promise of descendents too numerous to count for Abraham.  After a 25 year wait.  I am the God who provided, protected, and proved faithful to the Israelites--leading them to the Promised Land after a 40 year wait.  I am the God who changed the course of all mankind when I sent My Son to walk your soil.  Then, according to My heavenly calendar, I brought redemption for all, after a 30 year wait for Jesus to finish fulfilling every prophecy of his earthly ministry.

I am that God.

I am your God.

There is no other.

The waiting room is hard.  I know.  I see you pacing the floor.  I hear your frustrated pleas.  It's crowded there--isn't it?  You are in good company.

Let Me assure you.  It's but a season.  This is just for a time.  A blip on the eternal radar.  Because in the waiting room, you're calling out to Me.  Leaning on Me.  Learning about Me.  Letting Me refine you and teach you and grow you.  In the waiting room, you're learning to trust Me.  Certain things are being accomplished there while the next season is being lined up and prepared for you.

It's not wasted time.

So wait with expectations.  Be filled with hope there in the hallway.

Throughout the history of the earth, I have used the waiting room.  And I hear you there.  

In due time, doors will fly open.  Circumstances will change.  Opportunities will arise.  And My perfect plan, in My perfect time, will be set into motion.

You'll walk out of the waiting room.  You'll leave the hallway to enter the doors I've opened.  In My perfect time.  Not a moment sooner or later.

You'll enter your promise.  You'll find your seat of honor--far from the shackles of present circumstances.  You'll see My promises fulfilled.  And like Job--though you've heard of Me--there, after waiting, you'll really SEE Me.  You'll experience Me like never before.  Here in the wilderness of waiting, I will provide, protect and prove faithful.  After waiting, the Promised Land ahead will prove to be all the more precious.  You'll walk out of the dark waiting room and enter a sweet fellowship with Me, there in My ordained answer for your prayers.  My answer that is more than you could ask or imagine.  Your waiting will be redeemed through the promises that I will fulfill.

I am the God who hears.

I hear you in the waiting room.  In the hallway.

I am the God who acts on behalf of those who wait on Him.  Yes, it is good to wait on the Lord.

Because it is always worth the wait.

                                                             With love beyond words,
                                                                                       Your Abba Father

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