Am I on Hidden Camera?
10:08 AMHeatherI'm being punked. By God. I'm not even kidding. There must be hidden cameras all around, just waiting to catch my reaction. I suspect that at any moment, Jesus in his white robes looking like the picture in my childhood Bible, will pop out from around the corner, and say, "Gotcha!"
This was my text to my girlfriends, Amy and Rhonda, last Friday:
"Sorry it's early. [6:46 a.m....why yes, yes, I did get up for boot camp!] But I have to tell y'all. I swear I'm being God. Started reading 7 last night. Blown away...How can I want so much to both run to and run from being ruined? Can I really give things up and do this fasting thing?
Then my devo had me in Philippians 3 today. A-hem. Verse 8--all things lost in order to gain Christ are garbage."
(Side note: realizing this was a very wordy text. My friends all regret my conversion to the iPhone. I am as long winded there as I am here).
Here's the Scripture that zapped me early Friday morning...just twelve hours after diving into the first chapter of 7: