Make it Monday: Family Giving Jar

2:01 PMHeather

Entitlement.  Ugh.  It's a plague that seems to be spreading through our culture at rapid speed, claiming our children to its sense of self-rights over the consideration of others' needs.  Long annoyed by it, some recent revelations have fueled this mama bear's fire to fight the tide of status quo.  In my September 20th blog post, I listed some practical tips on how to combat entitlement, including the idea of a giving jar.  

Drum is our family giving jar. 

I'll give you the instructions today, but I must say, there's hardly much to say.  I started with a quick trip to Hobby Lobby to choose a jar.  I found some super cute ones, and had a hard time choosing.  Then, I nearly laughed out loud at myself.  I was looking at a $17.99 jar.  Duh.  Our goal here is to save more so we can give more.  Hello!  So, although I had a 40% off coupon on my phone to use, I decided I needed to spend as little as possible, and it needed to sit nicely on my kitchen desk with a lid that is easy to open for all those deposits I hope we'll be making.

So, I chose this one, which was $5.99 before the coupon, and $3.89 after the coupon and including tax.

I came home and looked through my black scrapbook paper and cut a circle to fit on the lid, using my Creative Memories circle cutter system.  I then typed up the little sign in Microsoft Word using my new favorite Grutchshaded font that I downloaded for free.  I printed that up, and cut it with my circle cutter a bit smaller than the scrapbook paper.  I used glue dots to mat the "giving jar" sign onto the scrapbook paper and then press it onto the lid. 

It didn't quite look as cute as I had needed something more.  So, I looked through my drawer of leftover ribbon and decided the black and white harlequin was perfection.  I simply tied it around the jar and placed it on our kitchen desk.  

We have already begun to fill it up with change, and just threw in our first dollar bill.  It was amazing to see the kids dig through their baskets and rooms to collect change.  The plan is to decide together where to give the money once it's filled.  This is giving over and above our tithe, as we explained to the kids.  So, we might choose to fill a box for Operation Christmas Child, or to give it to someone we know who could use it, or to do some research as to how the grand total might help someone around the world.  We are looking for opportunities to opt out of things we'd normally spend money on in order to fill our jar.  Things such as concessions at the movies, or a trip for ice cream.  I love that this will be a tangible way for all 5 of us to see how we can save more on all our "luxuries" in order to give more to someone who needs "necessities."  And, I cannot wait to see the ideas and research we dig up on how little money it might take to bless someone in a big way.  

I hope you'll give this idea a try at your house.  I'd love to hear your thoughts and outcomes!  May this one little step take us well on our way in our journey to loose the holds of entitlement in each of our hearts.  Happy crafting!

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