The Heaviest Excess You'll Ever be Freed From
8:48 AMHeatherLife is hard. Yes, call me Captain Obvious. We get bruised and beat up on a daily basis--and often by each other. We unknowingly--or knowingly--inflict pain and wounds on each other. Stabbing each other in the back. Or in more subtle ways when we lack consideration or compassion or sympathy. In this battle that we call life, we are all wounded warriors.
Yesterday, as I was once again pondering the idea of freedom from excess, God zapped me a big one. I suddenly felt a conviction of the biggest and hardest excess that I often refuse to acknowledge. Much less work to be freed from.
Before I say anything else, I am telling you to watch this video. GO. I'm being the boss of you now. Take the time to watch it. Because it says way more than I ever could.
Do not read further if you have not watched it. I MEAN IT! (said in my stern Mama voice...and I'd use your middle name if I knew it).
Okay. Now, I'm going to assume you all watched it. Forgiveness. Ugh. Yes, did I have to mention that? Because purging clothes is hard enough. But, good grief, it's way easier than purging unforgiveness.