Be Still.. Even in the Midst of Chaos
9:57 AMHeatherMornings around here are rather like a fire drill. That's a description I borrowed from a mom I greatly admire. We give the kids a countdown till departure throughout the hurried mornings of breakfast, back pack gathering, shoe tying, and hair brushing. Well, for our girl anyway--can't vouch for my two boys as to whether or not they actually brush their hair every morning. Today was no exception--yet for some reason, I settled into my recliner with my coffee after the elementary kids left for school. And, I was SHOCKED to see this video on a morning news station of a 3-year-old riding his scooter through the crazy rush hour traffic of a city in China.
When I dove into my Bible this morning, I was drawn to Psalm 46. Maybe because I realized that I feel just like that little toddler. Lately, my unwelcome yet familiar foe of anxiety seems to be visiting regularly. It rests between my shoulders, like a huge weight that I cannot shake. I feel as though I am riding into chaos, with demands, tasks, expectations, and busy schedules darting all around me. They speed by, threatening to hit me and cause sure destruction. I feel as though catastrophe is crouched nearby, ready to pounce and destroy.
I know I'm not alone. Two precious young ladies I know and love are in the midst of planning their weddings. An exciting time, for sure. Yet the pressure of all that it entails must make them feel like that toddler--riding through rush hour, with stress and pressure whirling all around them. The chaos threatening to steal the joy of the moment. Or friends who are walking through health crises. Peddling along, on their leisurely ride through life, with the buses of sickness and vehicles of fear and what if's heading right for them. Will it hit them? Will they feel the full impact? Or will it narrowly miss them, leaving them whole and well, albeit scared and overwhelmed when it passes them by?
But, what a precious promise we have in God's letters to us! He sees it that overhead security camera in that Chinese city, catching every moment, detail by detail. And, He has a remedy. In fact, He IS the remedy.