LIving Out Grace

4:00 AMHeather

This whole year, I’ve been diving into my word for the year…GRACE.  You know how sometimes you hear a word over and over and suddenly it just doesn’t make sense?   I’ve been doing some in-depth study, but still feel I can’t wrap my brain (and my heart) around it. 

But, do you want to know something?  I’ve been on the receiving end of some pretty amazing grace lately.  In the company of those who live out grace.  I’ve looked at the Bible dictionary definitions, and I have every intention of pressing on to keep digging into grace this year.  But, I think the biggest lessons and easiest definitions to comprehend—to be inspired by—are those living definitions.

Grace is…
…clearing your calendar to come visit.  To express you need to see us—and to make it happen. 

Grace is…
…in the middle of a venting session from your wife about life in general, reaching for my hand, and gently asking what you can do to help.

Grace is…
…the hug of my child, squeezing tightly, and saying, “I love you mommy!”  Even though I often feel I fail more than succeed in my mothering.

Grace is…
…the tight hug of a far off aunt, delighted and laughing with joy to just be together again.

Grace is…
…sitting together, cell phones put away, to catch up face-to-face—with no distractions allowed.

Grace is…
…reminding someone of their worth and value, when life has beat them up.

Grace is…
…saying thank you, even though it’s not necessary.

Grace is…
…the perfection of a gorgeous newborn, so fresh from heaven.

Grace is…
…planning a dinner out with your niece, to hear her heart and share your own.

Grace is…
…tiny arms, reaching up, for a distant cousin she can’t remember ever meeting before.

Grace is…
…heart connections so close that it feels like home anywhere you are together.

Grace is…
…engaging with someone and listening with your heart—not your ears.

Grace is…
…embracing and welcoming your mom home with a tight group hug, nearly knocking her over with love.

Grace is…
…happily taking on the entire household for a week so that your wife can get her love tank filled.

Grace is…
…using your own hard-earned money to buy your mom a birthday present.

Grace is…
…all around me, every day, in those I love, in those I know.  It’s within me—and it’s not complete until it’s poured out on those I encounter. 

Today, choose grace.  Live it out.  It’s one of the best and surest ways to be the hands and feet of Christ.

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