God's Favor Wrapped in Flesh

9:28 AMHeather

There are pivotal moments in history.  You know--you remember the exact date and time and every detail because everything in your life changed from that point forward.  What had been is no longer.  A new chapter.  A milestone.  January 20, 1999, at 3:42 pm.  A 7 pound 15 ounce bundle was placed in my arms, and my life has never been the same.  He was God's favor, wrapped up in flesh.  A perfect little package of ten fingers and ten toes.  An answer to prayers, after one miscarriage and nearly a year afterward filled with wanting.  The doctor said the pregnancy wasn't viable...but God had other plans.  And, so I received this gift of God's favor, all wrapped up in flesh.

God's favor.  
A healthy baby boy with a sweet, easy disposition.

God's favor.
An infant who loved to sit and play for hours, breaking me into mommyhood rather gently.

God's favor.
A toddler who welcomed his brother (and later a sister) and called him "MY baby."

God's favor.
A preschooler who stood at the top of stairs and looked back to say with great conviction, "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to marry YOU."

God's favor.
A seven-year-old who generously offered his most beloved toy to a new friend who had lost everything he owned.

God's favor.
A child who endured a bit of bullying by responding that he knew the culprit just needed a good friend.

God's favor.
A protective big brother who naturally offers leadership and a good example.

God's favor.
A middle schooler who stands on his convictions, even if alone.

God's favor. 
A precious son who has grown into a teenager with a heart for the Lord and whose character challenges his mom to be a better person.

God's favor.
My first born.  My Collin.  Whom I love and adore and celebrate this day.  YOU are a walking example of God's favor.  I couldn't be more proud and humbled to be your mom.  Happy 13th birthday, baby boy. 

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