Frugal Friday--More is More

5:08 AMHeather

I usually try to offer you ways to spend LESS money on this Friday feature.  But, today, I am bucking the norm.  Today, I am going to offer you a bit of advice that could just change your life.  Today, I am going to share a very important Biblical principle about your finances.  Today, I am going to tell you that rather than spending less, you should be spending more.  Because more is more--in God's economy.  Here's a pretty amazing promise on the topic.

A generous man will prosper,
he who refreshes others will 
himself be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

When I hit my annual Black Friday shopping with my cousin Megan, her favorite thing to say about a purchasing a bargain is "you can't afford not to!"  When it comes to being generous, the truth of it is that you can't afford not to.  See, here's an important truth I've discovered in our journey to becoming debt free.  You just can't outgive God.  It's not possible.  The Creator of the Universe who gave his very own Son for you?  In God's economy (and His Word) the more you give, the more you're blessed.  

Please hear me--I am not saying that there is a magical formula to financial success that goes something like the more you give to God, the bigger your bank account will become.  No, what I am saying is that the more you put the needs of others before your own, the more you become like Christ.  And, your needs will always be met by our Great Provider.  Hear me on this--I said your needs, not your wants.  

God loves a cheerful giver.  And, I'm not just talking about money.  I'm talking about your time and talents, too.  This blog post isn't about giving bigger gifts to your loved ones.  This blog post is about giving more generously to those in need.  Isn't that what Christmas is about?  A God who gave to those in need?  Giving your time to volunteer and help and minister to others.  Giving of your talents to build the kingdom--asking Him to show you how to plug in your skill set creatively for ministry.  And, yes, giving of your money for worthy causes.  Because God promises that when we refresh others--we ourselves will be refreshed!

INTENTIONAL challenge:  So, how about as you finish up your gift purchases you choose to give to a worthy cause instead?  Be like my friend Alicia--be intentional to choose gifts whose proceeds go to charity.  Or send a gift of personal care items to an incarcerated youth through One Heart Project.  Or adopt a child from an Angel Tree.  Or for the price of a coke, you can feed someone Christmas dinner at Union Gospel Mission.  Help support a mission trip...there's a million opportunities out there.  But instead of buying shiny new gadgets, make it your goal to refresh others.  It's the gift that always fits and will never be returned.  And, just try to outgive God.  You can't afford not to.

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