Who Says? The World? or the Word?
8:31 PMHeatherNever fear, the blog post is here! Better late than never on this Thursday. Listen, my toes are a little bruised today because--oh my gravy--did my Bible study step all over them this week. Last night found me squirming in my seat, all the while trying to look completely at ease. Our fearless leader led us through a little exercise to consider whose mirror we use to evaluate ourselves--the WORLD'S? Or the WORDS? And what does this look like? See for yourself.
The World says we aren't worth anything...
...the Word says we were worth the life of God's Son
The World says we aren't good enough...
...the Word says His grace is enough.
The World says that we are weak...
...the Word says our weakness is HIS opportunity to show up.
The World gives us expectations to live up to...
...the Word says that in Christ, all expectations were met.
The World says we must perform well to be loved...
...the Word says that we were loved to death, while we were yet
The World says we must look good...
...the Word says God's Son had nothing in his appearance to
attract us...just His heart for us.
The World says we must seek fame and fortune...
...the Word says to just seek Him first.
The World says to achieve success...
...the Word says to achieve servanthood.
The World says to build up wealth and enjoy this life...
...the Word says eternal rewards and eternal life are gifts freely
INTENTIONAL challenge: So, when I wake up in the morning, do I start my day looking into the world's mirror or the mirror of the Word? To whose voice do I listen all day long? Where does my mind dwell? May I be taking captive all thoughts--stealing them from the world and giving them over to the Word.