An Oprah-esque Moment--Only Better

7:21 PMHeather

So, while lying in bed last night waiting for migraine meds to kick in, I was channel surfing.  Unfortunately, not much was on.  I came across the OWN channel with an Oprah: Behind the ScenesIt was the episode behind her big two-day send off event.  Although not a regular Oprah watcher, I had actually watched those two days, enthralled by the constant parade and accolades from all manner of celebrity.   I decided to stop and take it in.  

There she was--Lady O--absolutely overwhelmed with the amazing displays of love and affection.  Her friends--the likes of which include Maria Shriver, Beyonce, Tom Hanks, and Will and Jada Smith--praising her in grand scale.  Wow-wee--it was a who's who.  And, then that magic moment when the men of Moorehouse College marched in, carrying little candles, to commemorate all the people who had received an education because of Oprah.

That moment got to her, and she cried and cried.  She exclaimed behind the scenes that there just might be such a thing as too much love because it was just too much to take in.

I went to sleep last night thinking of what that would be like to be Oprah--or to at least be in a position where there is an event planned just for me.  (Can you tell I am a words of affirmation girl?).  An event planned just to give props for all the ways I changed the world.  An event where the people I have touched let me know that.  And, the people I love publicly giving huge displays of their affection.  Songs sung dedicated to me.  An endless parade of "this is your life" and "attaboys!"  [ Of course, on days like today, I'd probably settle for just one of my three children thanking me for cleaning up their mess or taking them to a movie.]

I woke up this morning still pondering this.  And, then I realized something.  The truth is that such an event IS planned, and WILL happen--on a heavenly scale.  Well, at least in the way that I understand how the Bema Seat will happen--it will be such an event.  And Jesus Himself will be the Master of Ceremonies.  In fact, He may be the only audience?  Honestly, no one else will be necessary because I won't care about anyone else.  My wordly desire for man's approval will have disappeared. 

Here's the thing.  At a Ladies Retreat with my church a few years ago, the speaker led us through this amazing dramatization of the Bema Seat--or the judgment seat of Christ.  The time when we aren't condemned because we chose to believe.  But, we will be rewarded for our earthly deeds that had an eternal outcome.  The speaker had us close our eyes and put ourselves in the scene she described, based on several Scripture passages, including 2 Corinthians 5:9-10:

9 So we make it our goal to please him, whether 
we are at home in the body or away from it.  
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 
In this exercise, she so eloquently painted a picture of what the Bema Seat might look like, when Jesus rewards believers for the investments we have made into eternity.  You might check out something similar here.  It was so powerful!  To imagine that moment when the wood, hay, and stubble fad away (1 Corinthians 3:12), and the gold, silver and costly stones remain.  When the crowns awarded me are then cast at His feet, and I can never have earned enough to satisfy my desire to give all glory back to Him.
INTENTIONAL challenge:  Have you ever watched someone receive an Academy Award, or a Nobel Peace Prize--or like Oprah--an endless list of nods and applauds?  And, have you wondered what that might be like?  To be rewarded in that way--to be praised in that way--recognized in that way?  Our day is coming.  Our Oprah-esque moment where we shed tears and feel overwhelmed with the love and the joy because of the way we are recognized.  Only BETTER.  Our moment will be eternal.  Our Rewarder far surpasses the glory of Hollywood's elite.  And if we feel regret in heaven, it will only be that we didn't seize the moments more often in order to invest in eternity--to make the MOST of our Bema moment.  Oh, Bloggy Friend!  If I could only keep that in the forefront of my mind, every moment of every day...may it ever inspire me--not to greatness, but to Godliness.

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